تریتی لابان کنسرتو موسیقی و رقص
Founded 1872. Originally College of Church Music. Acquired present status following the merger of Trinity College of Music and Laban, the European school for contemporary dance.
منابع مالی:
University of Westminster (BMUS), University of Sussex (MMUS)
درجات 4
زبان ها 1
بخش ها 2
- آکادمی موسیقی
- مساحت رقصرشته های تحصیلی: رقص
- جزئیات پذیرش: General Certificate of Education (GCE) with passes in 2 subjects at Advanced ('A') Level, and General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) with passes in 5 subjects. Pass audition in performance