کالج دارالحکمه (DAH)
Dar Al Hekma College is a pioneering project of the Al-Elm Foundation, which was established in 1999 with the objective of providing state-of-the-art higher education facilties and services through academic institutions such as colleges and universities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Dar Al-Hekma College is a premier non-profit institution of higher education for women in Saudi Arabia.
منابع مالی:
درجات 2
مدرک کارشناسی ارشد,
مدرک کارشناسی
یا معادل آن
زبان ها 1
بخش ها 3
هزینه تحصیل در سال
پیوند در کلیپ بورد کپی شد: SAR
SAR 28,000.00 – SAR 32,500.00
- جزئیات پذیرش: School leaving certificate and English proficiency test.
دانشگاه های مشابه
Your currency: USD
$ 7,458.62 – $ 8,657.32